MET HET OOG OP DEN DUNGEN (WITH A VIEW TO DEN DUNGEN), 2006                                                                           
– Sint-Michielsgestel, North Brabant (12 to 31 May)

A project to introduce all children of the three elementary schools of the village of Den Dungen (Brabant) intensively to art and the way it is created. The theme was: the collective and individual perception of the village (notions such as present-past, generations, living and family were used). Under the supervision of 12 artists the children created 12 art projects, which were subsequently installed in Den Dungen. Together with approximately 400 children and with the help of e few parents I created the work ‘Dungense schaapjes’ (Den Dungen sheep). Thousands of polyester casts were made from the fingers of the children of the three elementary schools (400 children: 4,000 casts). All these polyester fingers constituted the sheep’s fleece of a sheep that was also made of polyester (one sheep for each school). The older children helped stick all fingers to the as yet bare sheep. The sheep were treated with a special white coating, so they could graze outside peacefully during the art route. Eventually each sheep found shelter in one of the schools after the art route.

Made possible by: BISK, Delta Lloyd, municipality of Sint-Micheilsgestel, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, RABO Bank, Reaal Verzekeringen, VSB Fonds.