Two years ago, instead of cycling to my studio, I started to walk the trajectory on a regular basis. At least an hour and a half to get there and an hour and a half back, the same route most of the time, sometimes taking a detour. During the first hikes I wore an ipod with nice music to shut myself off from the ubiquitous traffic, but after a while I left that at home. By using all my senses more consciously during my hikes, I not only got rid of my day-to-day worries more easily, but my perception also became more intensive, my sense of time slowed down and I became more ‘rooted’ in the landscape. The polder between ’s-Hertogenbosch and Den Dungen, already so familiar to me, became a living landscape and my travel companion. I also started making this kind of hikes from other places around ’s-Hertogenbosch – from the villages, or rather the incorporated villages near ’s-Hertogenbosch that I did not yet know very well. What these trajectories told me can be found under: Vlijmen, Vught and Rosmalen.

Besides the journals (can be found as PDF's), I have made  ultra-short film impressions of one specific part of each trajectory. You will find these films under the trajectory in question.

The hikes I made untill 01-01-2015:

Schermafbeelding 2014-12-29 om 22.27.08.png

link for interactive map.